Our Services

First Church of Christ Scientist,
North Little Rock-Sherwood, Arkansas

Sunday Service is held from 10 am to 11 am at the First Church of Christ, Scientist, North Little Rock-Sherwood church.

Wednesday Night Testimony Meeting is held from 6:30 pm to 7:30 pm. This meeting is held at the Sherwood church.


What can I expect at a service?

As soon as you walk through the doors of any branch church or society of the Church of Christ, Scientist, worldwide, expect joyful singing, sweet-toned music and a friendly usher. During the service there will be scriptural readings, prayer and a sermon from the Pastor: the Bible and Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy. The weekly Bible Lesson is the basis for the sermon.

Children, teens and young adults to age 20 have Sunday School classes during the Sunday Service.

Nursery care is provided at the Sunday Service time.

Can anyone just show up for a service?

Of course! Come as you are to our Sunday and Wednesday gatherings. There is no dress code or requirement. Every searcher of Truth, who is looking for a better understanding of Christ Jesus’ healing ministry, is encouraged to come visit our church in Sherwood or the Christian Science Reading Room in North Little Rock.

The First Church of Christ
Scientist, in Boston, Massachusetts


Join The Mother Church’s online
services every Sunday and Wednesday


Sunday Service begins at 10 am (EST)
This is a live broadcast through the internet and telephone.

Wednesday Testimony Meeting at 2 pm (EST)
This is a live broadcast through the internet and telephone.


Click here to be transferred to The Mother Church’s webpage featuring links for the Sunday Service and the Wednesday Testimony Meeting, as well as, a resource to find nearby churches in your area to visit.